
Interactive CORS Web Map (Functionality may be limited in Internet Explorer)



CORS Sponsors


CORS donations may be made at the following link:


​NCGS established and maintains the North Carolina Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) Network of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) base stations for GPS and GNSS users needing to differentially correct their raw field data.  

*GNSS includes both the U.S. GPS satellites and the Russian GLObal'naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikivaya Sistema (GLONASS) satellites.*

Real-time users can obtain GNSS reference data by requesting a North Carolina GNSS Real Time Network (RTN) port from the base station network administrator, Bart Alligood, and paying a $500 one-time access cost.

Post-processing users can obtain reference data for free via the following methods:

  • GNSS reference data can be obtained via either:
    • Contact Bart Alligood to obtain access to the CORS files on the NCGIS FTP Server.
    • NC GNSS RTN Reference data shop (please use the following directions).
  •  GPS reference data (with or without GLONASS data) can be obtained from the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) by:
    • Downloading directly from the NGS User Friendly CORS site (UFCORS), which provides reference data from 1,800 base stations in the National CORS Network.
    • Clicking on a base station on the map above, which will direct you to that station's NGS CORS webpage, and then downloading from UFCORS in a frame within that station's NGS webpage

Please be aware that this frame access to UFCORS does not filter down the list of available base stations to just your destination desired station [e.g. Asheboro 2 (NCZO)], but provides access to all the base stations in the network.

The NC CORS Base Station Network is referenced to the NAD 83(2011) datum. For information please read the "The National Adjustment of 2011 Project".
For assistance, please contact:
Person​ Position​ ​Email Phone​
​Bart Alligood ​CORS Network Administrator ​919-948-7834
​Gary Thompson ​Agency Chief ​919-948-7844
​Watson Ross ​GIS Manager ​919-948-7839